Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Daniel is getting a PICC Line

I just spoke with Mark and Laura and they said that Daniel has to get a PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) tomorrow morning at 9am. They are going to put him under anesthesia to place it. For those of you who are not familiar with a PICC line - it is a flexible tube designed to provide direct access to the bloodstream and can be used for many medical procedures. Daniel will be in the hospital until Thursday or Friday. They anticipate that Daniel will need IV antibiotics from home for about two weeks. A home health nurse will instruct Laura on how to administer the antibiotics and flush his line with Heparin to make sure there are no clots in the line. The medical team is insisting on IV antibiotics to ensure that Daniel doesn't get a brain infection or any kind of infection in the bone.

Please continue praying for Mark, Laura, Daniel and the rest of the family.


Indian Lake Papa said...

Oh my - this boy is having a tough time! The family is in our prayers here!

jel said...

Hang in there Family! :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Mark and Laura,
When I was praying for you tonight, I asked the Lord if He had a word for you. You know, sometimes He gives us promises of healing or encouragement, and I want to pray in agreement with Him. Plus, when I have a word, I can stand on it even when circumstances don't agree.

So, I asked if the Lord had a word for you, and He said, "There is a reason. There is a reason. Daniel is not the battle. Daniel is the vessel." I feel strongly led to pray for your spiritual eyes to be opened to divine appointments. I felt like God said someone's eternity is tied to this, and I am praying that your eyes are open to see as God sees, and I am praying that you have boldness to speak what needs to be said. The Lord says, "Do not shrink back. The words are already in your heart." You have been prepared for such a time as this.

Praying for you and your Beautiful Masterpiece!

Anonymous said...

I replied to your comment on my blog. I almost copied it over here for Mark and Laura because I truly believe it is to encourage them, and then I had that moment of is that the right thing to do? I decided to post it because I believe it is the same thing God is putting on the hearts of some other people, and the agreement of our words releases great power, so my comment is below. I pray it blesses Mark and Laura.

Robin, I am so honored to be able to stand with and for Mark and Laura. I don't even have words. I pray for Daniel, and I weep, not out of sadness. As a prophetic intercessor, I ask the Lord for His heart so I can pray in agreement, and when I begin to pray for Daniel, I am overwhelmed with pride and joy. I'm crying right now. There is such a feeling of ecstasy that fills me. I think ecstasy is the wrong word, though. It is joy in its purist form. The Lord is captivated by Daniel, and His heart is so full toward that beautiful boy.

It is an honor to intercede and experience the Lord's heart for Daniel, and the Lord has such pride over Mark and Laura's joy and enjoyment of their son. Their hearts bless Him so deeply. He looks at them and nods and says, "Yeah, that's it. That's me. They've got my heart. They see him." And He has such great freedom because of them, and He is allowed to use Daniel as a vessel through which He pours out greatly because Mark and Laura give Him freedom because they have His heart.

Robin, it is truly such an honor to pray for them. I don't even have words.

Mary said...

I have been praying for Daniel, and waiting for updates. I will continue to pray for him and his family. I am sorry that he is back in the hospital. I can't imagine how hard this is on his parents, but I am glad to know that thier faith in God in strong. I pray that he renews them daily.
