Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dental Conversation between me and my five year old son...

Before I decided to go to college to become a counselor, I went to the vocational school for my junior year in high school and completed the dental assistant training one semester and medical assistant training the second. I probably would have gone on to be a RN had it not been for my spinal surgery (right before my junior year of HS) that left me very weak physically for the next year. I was unsure that I could keep up with the physical demands of the program for my senior year, so I went back to my high school and finished up with college prep studies.

Since I spent so much time learning about teeth in high school, I tend to call teeth by their proper names even now. This morning my five year old son lost his third tooth and I told a friend about it. She asked which tooth he lost and I said, "his right mandibular lateral incisor." If she wouldn't have been on the phone with me I probably would have been smacked.

After that I thought I need to educate my son, so I called him over and touched his bottom jaw and said, "This is your mandible." and then touched his top jaw and said "This is your maxillary jaw." Then I told him that the hole in his mouth once held his right mandibular lateral incisor. He looked at me with a straight, face and said, "Oh, I thought they were called teeth."


Indian Lake Papa said...

LOL !! Don't confuse the poor boy!

Life Adapted said...

Love it!! Tell him if he calls them by their proper names, he will impress the Tooth Fairy. So, what is the proper name for the Tooth Fairy?

Robin said...

Papa - it was fun and the laugh I got was so worth it :)

Life Adapted - The proper name for the Tooth Fairy is Mama, but don't tell my son. My daughter has never believed in Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or any of them, but my son believes in them all. He's actually starting to question whether they are real or not, my husband keeps insisting that they are while I say nothing.

Ruthie said...

Funny - As a nurse, my kids learned the correct names for many things, too. Now, with their own kids they are pretty competant with illnesses etc. They said it's because they were taught by a Nurse-Mom. LOL.
Grandaughter is in labor as I write - dilated 9.5 - so I expect it will be soon. Our daughter and his Mom is with them in hospital. (It's 10:30 PM our time.)

Ruthie said...

Right after I wrote this, Jan called - and B had her baby - a little girl 8# 7oz and 21" long. So I'm Great Gramma again. Praise the Lord for healthy baby and a good delivery.
Now we'll pray the same for you on Dec 6th!

Robin said...

Congratulations Ruthie on your precious new great-grand-baby :)

I have another funny story - one time I used the proper name for a muscle I had just learned about in school (not sure of the spelling now - long word - never forgot it though) and instead of telling my dad that I had a pain in my neck and top of my chest I told him I had a pain in my sternocleidomastoid. He just shook his head at me.

jel said...

I'm with him, I thought they were called teeth! ;)

and Congats on the new great-grand -baby Ruthie

Robin said...

Hi Jel - yeah I guess they are called teeth too :) but old habits die hard.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! And I am in awe of the baby you got to hold that was the same gestational age as the one in your tummy...how awesome!! What a little miracle!

Robin said...

Hi Renee,

Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving with your family!

Only nine days until my due date - a little over a week... of course this little one could decide to come after my due date, but we will think about that later...

Paula said...

Robin, how exciting that the baby is almost here. I hope and pray all is going well.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Lord, much to do the next few days, be with Robin closely as she helps you bring this miracle to life. Be with her family and give the doctors wisdom as they deliver this child soon. She loves this child already and will soon be dedicating another child to you.

We love you Jesus, and this may be a little early, but Happy birthday to you as well!


Papa & Mama too!

Robin said...

Queen - Thanks for stopping in :) Thursday and Friday I felt like it could be soon to meet the little miracle, but today I feel much better. Of course with seven days until my due date it really is soon.

Papa and Mama - Thanks for your prayers as always they are greatly appreciated. Pray for a quick labor, but not too quick also and that I'm able to manage pain the way that works for me instead of hospital personnel. Since I can't have any medications in my spine its best for me to be up and moving during labor - pray they work with me on that. Thanks!

Julie said...

Just caught up on your postings. It is neat that the baby you held id the same age as your little girl. ;)
And the teeth thing, well, he just has to learn if he wants to impress the girls! If two year olds can learn the Presidents than your sweetie can learn the names of teeth. I'm really laughing at it all, soo funny. We had our Thanksgiving today and I am still stuffed. Take it easy this week, and have a fun baby birthday!!

Randi Jo :) said...

robin, I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! :) thanks for the comment on my blog. how do u feel!?!?!

Randi Jo :) said...


Rob said...

Well, Robin is a new Mom and I am a new Uncle this morning, to a precious little girl, her weight is 8 lbs 2 oz, the length is 19 1/4inches long.
Baby is doing great.
Robin sounds great I think she was on her way to the gym, HaHaHaHa, she did sound great though.

Her Brother,

Randi Jo :) said...

awww congrats to all!!!! :) which day was she born, what's her name!?!! :) thanks for telling me!!!

Rob said...

Robin is so blessed, she walked in the hospital at 11:45 and had my niece at 12:40 a.m. 11/30/08, she sounds like she is doing great, O Robin is doing great to.
Robin will share other info later.
Sorry have a great week.

Robin's Brother

Robin said...

Julie - Just wanted to let you know - loved your comment about the teeth thing :) Yes, holding a baby at the gestational age as my own was an incredible experience. It was also funny to have my baby kicking the one I held in my arms.

Robin said...

Hi Randi - I actually decided to forgo the Thanksgiving Feast this year - postpone it until the new year when I didn't have a belly in the way of the stove :) I was also worried that I might go into labor with a turkey in the oven and I LOVE turkey and didn't want to waste any - haha

Robin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin said...

Thanks Rob for leaving the announcement for me! I loved his comment about me heading off for the gym. Not yet...but as soon as I'm cleared by my doc. I've missed exercising with this pregnancy. I actually had intended to exercise until I went into labor as close as I could get to it and it didn't work out that way. After my fall and bed rest in June and July and being told the gym was out for me I was pretty bummed, but the docs told me I could exercise again after my miracle was here. Now she's here and I'm so crazy about her already. Thoughts of leaving her to go to the gym are difficult. I used to go to the gym six days a week two hours a day, but now I'm sure it will be less. I do want to be healthy though - so we will come to a happy medium.

Robin said...

Randi as soon as I'm caught up on everything I will start sending emails to you and others who want more details. I'm just not comfortable blogging everything.

Rob - Thanks again for posting the additional info. You know the funny thing is that I have back pain regularly in my life and have been dealing with a good bit of back pain (more than usual) with this pregancy. So I walked into labor and delivery and the nurses were doubtful that I was in labor. After I had the baby they were laughing saying she walks in here at 11:45 pm not sure she is in labor and 55 minutes later she has a baby.