Monday, November 17, 2008

Challenges of Marriage

Marriage – even the best marriages have challenges. When you take two people with different family backgrounds and experiences you are bound to have at least some conflict. I appreciate when people are real about their struggles because it helps the rest of us feel normal. When you look around the church and see all the happy, smiling people you could believe that they have no idea what it means to have a “discussion” about finances or about the best way to discipline the kids. We all walk through similar circumstances and can help each other by being honest about our struggles and successes. Sharing our testimony of God’s work in our lives could be the turning point or at least a slice of hope for another.

Someone close to me is in the process of going through a divorce and it breaks my heart to see this young family torn apart. One spouse sent me some information about marriage intensives and desires to save the marriage and family. They have young children the age of my children and it hurts to know that they are dealing with the pain of separation from one of their parents and that divorce is looming in the future. The problems the spouses are dealing with are definitely bigger than me and bigger than both of them. It appears that only one party is willing to attempt counseling, but God is bigger. Another hurdle is that marriage intensives and counseling in general are quite costly. HE can work a miracle in this situation that seems impossible. Please join me in praying for a miracle for this young, hurting family.


Robbie Iobst said...

Robin, John and I have been married for 13 years but in year 7 we almost got divorced. I left him for a while. God put our Humpty Dumpty marriage back together. It can and does happen. I will pray for the young couple you are talking about tonight. Thanks for the video, too. Powerful!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Hi - not sure what papa wants to say. Divorce is rampant - not good. I have learned one of the keys to a successful marriage, which I have commented on before, and that is praying as a couple. Out loud to each other and for each other. Surprising is that the husband is probably more reluctant than the wife to do this. And yet he should be the spiritual leader in the home. Lets fix this guys.

Life Adapted said...

Hi Robin, You are so sweet to care so much for others - yes, I will join you in prayer for this couple. How are you feeling? It's getting very close. I'm praying for you and your baby and your family.
Be blessed

Jake and Jess said...

you are my example in regards to being steadfast in my marriage. i love you!

Robin said...


Thanks so much for sharing! If you ever care to share more feel free because you never know who your testimony may encourage. Just knowing that you were close to divorce and allowed God to put it back together is beautiful!

Robin said...

Papa - You and Mama are a great example of a godly marriage. Thanks for all you share and for your prayers for the marriages of all us kids.

Pray extra hard for the young couple I mentioned. Last night I was informed that one spouse mentioned the marital intensive I put the video in for and the other at least heard... Not sure how its going to go. The money is a huge issue for them. So the spouse that wants the marriage is willing to try to raise it. Again I don't have a clue how that will happen with the expenses they have will maintaining two separate households in different states quite a distance apart. Please pray for them as much as you think of them!!! I'm not posting their names for confidentiality reasons.

Robin said...

Life Adapted - Thanks so much for your prayers for this couple. They are special to me and it truly pains me to see them going through this horrible experience. My heart breaks especially for the kiddos (they are the same age as my two oldest give or take a few months).

I'm doing fine - lacking sleep these days and spending most of my time in the bathroom. Have you heard that Veggie Tales song where they say, "I have to go to the bathroom." Well that could be my theme song now. Yesterday my doctor high fived me because I'm officially full term now - they said if labor starts they don't stop it even though I have 18 days until my due date. Thanks for asking about me... Oh I started posting my pg updates on a different - less trafficed blog at my Gramma's request - its my healthy living blog. And I'm not giving tons of info either.

Thanks for asking :) Have a great day!

Robin said...


I miss you! And you give me too much credit. I still have much to learn and far to go. Pray for me often that I become who God wants in all areas of my life.

So when will you be here to watch the kids so I can have this baby - haha. I know wishful thinking :) I've got a list of people to call in hopes that at least one will be available when the little one decides to make his/her debut.

Hope you are doing well my friend!

Much love coming your way!

Robin said...

Today's quote on Think on This...

"When GOD is about to do something great, HE starts with a difficulty. When HE is about to do something truly magnificent, HE starts with an impossibility."

~ Armin Gesswein

Ruthie said...

Have they seen the movie "Fireproof"? That's cheaper than counselling.
Prayers for them and for you with your due date approaching.

Robin said...

Hi Ruthie,

No, they haven't seen fireproof, but I know at least one party wants to... They are currently living across the country from each other. Please pray for them. I think they can use all they can get - Fireproof and Counseling and most importantly the Lord and prayer!

How is your grand-daughter doing? Her due date is really close. Hope she is doing well.

I'm really tired - sleep is hard to come by these days...

Robin said...

I got word that the party that was not receptive to the marriage intensive is now at least considering it. Please pray for a miracle and for the finances to cover the expenses.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome Robin, the video that is.

I'll be praying for the couple you know.

Robin said...

Thanks Ashley - your prayers mean a lot. Your openness about the struggles you have gone through make them even more powerful! Thanks!

Tea with Tiffany said...

God is able to do exceedingly above and beyond ALL we could ever hope or ask for...

This video is encouraging. Marriage is always worth fighting for.

Robin said...

Great words of encouragement Tiffany - I love that Scripture!

Yes, marriage is worth fighting for!