Friday, March 28, 2008

Who would you like to meet?

What is your favorite Bible story from the Old Testament?

If you could have met one figure from the OT, who would you pick?

What would you ask him or her?


Anonymous said...

My favorite story is the coat of many colors.

I would like to have met Noah.

I would ask Noah if I could ride on the ark with him and help him with all the animals.

Anonymous said...

I like the story of Ruth the best and would like to meet her.

My question would be to ask what her second husband was like.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Solomon !

If you were so wise why did you have so many wives ????

Carol said...

I would like to ask Adam and Eve what it was like to walk with God in the cool of the actually talk to Him face to face.

Probably the creation story is one of the most intriguing OT stories...but there are far too many to have a favorite! My favorite OT character would be Joseph, a man of complete integrity. You don't see that very often, not back then, and not today. Even Abraham and David did not measure up to Joseph's ethical values, despite his circumstances.

Robin said...

Deb, Joseph is my favorite story too.

Rebecca, The story of Ruth is beautiful isn't it.

Papa, You crack me up... What I don't understand is why anyone would need more than one good woman :)

Carol, we share the story of Joseph also. I will make my comment in a few minutes.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Robin - Maybe Solomon thought a perfect woman is hard to find and he just had tough luck finding one! I got lucky!

CDC - Your right - they had the chance to live in a perfect world!

Mama has been gone 2371 minutes now! boo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Joseph too! So much wisdom to be gained by studying his live!
Hmmm...this is a tough one because there are so many people I would love to meet. I think perhaps Enoch would be the one I would most like to meet! The Bible says almost nothing about him, but that he walked with God and then he was no more because God took him away...fascinating! He didn't suffer death! He was so pleasing to God that he didn't die! I would ask him about his conversation with God on the day God took him away.

Momstheword said...

My favorite OT person is Joseph. I love that story.I would ask him how he was able to accept that his father blessed the second born instead of the first born?

Robin said...

Papa - oh... you are so bad...(in a humorous kind of way) couldn't find a good woman - maybe he didn't give a good woman a chance before trying to find another.

Boo hoo - Judy will be back soon - are you starting the countdown to her return instead of the minutes she has been gone :)

Robin said...

Renee and Momstheword - it seems to be the majority favor Joseph and I'm yet to give my reasons - they are similar to all of the ones listed already.

I'd like to see more and hear/read about some other favorite characters.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Yep, mama will be back in about 1279 minutes! Then we can go vine swinging together! heh heh

Julie said...

I would like to visit with Deborah or Jael. Both women did what God needed done when the men who were asked to do it wouldn't/couldn't. Deborah went to war, and Jael drove a tent spike into the sleeping king(General?)'s head. And in both cases I believe it was counted a shame to the men that should have acted. It's just very interesting to me. and I like the name Jael.

Paula said...

I would like to meet any of the Bible characters. Moses seems like he would be intriging. I would like to know how he felt when he couldn't go into the Promised Land. Did he regret his earlier actions? Was he peaceful about having to stay behind?

I would also like to talk with David. What were the regrets of his life? Did he understand that he would be known through history and even into the (our)future?

Robin said...


The people you listed intrigue me as well. When reading the story I wondered what Jael was feeling before and after the tent peg incident. It will be so neat to one day meet each of them and learn more of their stories.

Robin said...

QOTW - I'm with you I'd like to meet them all and one day we will. I wonder if they will be as interested in us as we are in them. The world we live in is so different than their world technologically speaking, but very similar since we are still humans with fralities who can do nothing of value without the power of the Holy Spirit.

I'm yet to answer my own question, but I need to get to bed now...

Good night!

Melanie said...

I love the story of Esther. I would like to meet her and ask her about her meeting with the King and Haman.

On a more superficial note..I would like to see what a beautiful woman she was!

Robin said...


As I read each comment, I think oh that's another good one I'd like to meet that person or hear the answer to that question. Heaven will be amazing for so many reasons one reason is because we will get to meet so many heroes of the faith.

It will also be wonderful to meet some modern day heros of the faith like you and others from the internet that I may not meet in this life, but look forward to in the next!

Anonymous said...

Ruth is my favorite bible story. I would have met Ruth. I would ask her how she had the courage to leave her family.

Robin said...


Great question about how Ruth had the courage to leave her family. I

Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite Bible story from the Old Testament?

1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings,Genesis and Ruth. Kind of a lot, huh?

2. If you could have met one figure from the OT, who would you pick?

1. Adam and Eve.(Not naked though?!),2 Bathsheba, 3 Abigal ,4 Moses' wife and 5 Ruth, with her baby.

3. What would you ask him or her?

1. Why did you disobey God? 2. Did you want to become David's wife after he killed your real husband. 3. Did you love your husband, Nabal?( I think thats his name) 4. Whats your name, and do you think Moses is old? (Just joking)5. Were you scared when you met Boaz at the threshing floor and unsure of what to do?

Robin said...


I haven't answered my own question yet because I can't keep it to one either - haha. I think the story of Joseph is my all time favorite and I still plan to answer the question eventually.

Great questions and I like your qualifier of not wanting to meet Adam and Eve naked - haha

Anonymous said...

I like the story of David and Goliath.

I would like to meet David and ask what gave him the courage to overcome and face Goliath?