Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Most of us have read the Biblical account of the healing at the pool of Bethesda. I’ve always been puzzled as to why Jesus would ask the man if he wanted to be well. My initial thought was of course he wants to be healed who wouldn’t?

I experience back pain on a regular basis and have been told to expect it for the rest of my life because of scoliosis, a rib hump, and some problems between Lumbar 4 and 5. I had corrective surgery the summer after my sophomore year in high school. The surgeon shaved ribs from my right side and then used those shavings to fuse a stainless steel rod to fourteen vertebrae in my back. I didn’t have physical therapy after my surgery and wasn’t instructed on how to improve my back strength. I finally took matters into my own hands and started exercising at a local gym a little over three years ago. I noticed some improvement from being active; however the pain (ranging from mild to severe) continues often times without my understanding it’s cause.

One day when I was in a lot of pain, I sent an email to an online friend, Jerri asking her to pray for my back. Jerri replied that she would pray that my rod would dissolve and my immediate reaction was NO! I NEED MY ROD! Then it dawned on me that Jesus had good reason to ask if the man at the pool wanted to get well. He lived with his problem for 38 years and didn’t know how to live differently. Many times in life we become accustomed to our illnesses or problems. After my surgery, I was dependent on a back brace for six months. When I was cleared medically to quit wearing my brace, I was scared without it’s security. Time passed and I became comfortable with my limitations and life without my brace. Most people wouldn’t know I had anything wrong with me unless they saw my scars, which is unlikely because they are usually covered or if I wore tight fit clothing (I don’t). When Jerri suggested that God would dissolve my rod, I was hesitant because I’m used to having the rod and the limited flexibility. I’ve had a rod in my back over half my life, I can hardly remember what it was like not to have it. If God wanted to heal me by dissolving my rod and straightening my spine, HE could, but He’d also have to heal my mind. I don’t know what God’s will is, but I’m now open to whatever HE wants for me. I’ve always believed that my back issues were a “cross” I had to bear after all, even Paul had to live with his thorn. I want to bring glory to God regardless of whether it is through living with a “thorn” or proclaiming HIS healing power.

Think about limitations in your life and ask yourself, do you want to be well?

The Healing at the Pool

Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews. Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"

"Sir," the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."

Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.

~ John 5:1-9


Momstheword said...

People are interesting in that we trust God with our souls but we hesitate to let him handle our finances and/or health. I'm anxious to hear whether God answers your friend's prayers. I understand where you're coming from, though.

Robin said...

Thanks Momstheword! I know God answers prayers - sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes later. Sometimes I don't understand why HE chooses the way HE does, but as long as HE gets the glory is all that matters.

Isn't it funny that we/I don't consider seeking healing on behalf of ourselves, but immediately think of that for others.

Anonymous said...

Robin, for me it was sinuses. Sinus problems were nearly debilitating for me, and one day I asked God why, despite all the prayers, had He not healed me. His answers rocked my world. He asked simply, "And then what would be your excuse to hide?" GASP!!! In His ever loving way, He showed me that there were things in life I simply did not want to face, so I didn't. I simply hid behind my sinuses.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! What a great lesson, Robin! And OUCH, Jerri!!! God can sure get to the point, can't He??? But Praise God He does care enough to talk to us about painful issues! And He always seems to know the exact moment to bring it up! Duh, He's God! I'm with Jerri! I pray your rod be dissolved, Robin and He will open a whole new world to you!!! I feel it so strongly!!!
Love, Renee

Indian Lake Papa said...

Hi - I have serious limitations and the prognosis is not good for improvement. It started with slight tremors om my right. hand, thought it was caffiene related - no/t/// ! That is an example of my typing now. I have to use one hand - I cannot keep the other hand on any keys. Mmy tremor is severe and is now affecting my walk - right side. It is not Parkinsons.

Ii have asked God to heal me. He has answered that prayer - He has chosen not to do that and I accept that. But - I am disappointed, but content w/my Lord's decision.

Tammy Bowers said...

Great point of view, Robin. I love spins that provoke thoughts and cause self reflection. This post certainly does that. Keep 'em coming!

Darla said...

Very interesting..I love your thoughts...I always thought that Jesus asked "do you want to be healed?, or what do you want me to do for you?" not because he didn't know, but HE wanted the person (us) to verbally ask..."we have not because we ask not"...sort of like "Darla what is it you want me to do for you?"..."I want you to be my King"...i am always challenged when I come here!

Carol said...

I used this very thought in a women's retreat a month ago...regarding the crippled man at the pool who could never seem to get into the pool when the waters were stirred. He gave excuses why he couldn't get in the water. Another perspective I heard a long time ago was Jesus looking right through the crippled man's excuses and saying "Do you want to be healed?" because He knew the man inside out. Some times people get very secure in what they know...whether it's the attention they seek and receive, or because they have learned to cope with life as it is, and for life to change drasatically could bring another whole dimension, a new way of life, that perhaps scares a person from wanting healing. That can go so in-depth that I won't even try to head there, but I think the point scripture is making is Jesus is saying "Do you really want to be healed, because that means you will be able to be used in a way you never could be used before, and I will expect accountability from you for my healing."

"Whoa...what will God ask me to do? Maybe I am better off just laying here by the pool and enjoying the benefits and security of not being a whole person. Let me think about this."

Just another perspective to think about in regards to the biblical story. I don't think it has anything to do with Robin's desire to be healed or IL Papa's, because I believe they both have servants hearts. They would like healing, but they are willing to serve even if God says no to the prayers for their healing. They truly are already "whole" people.

Robin said...


I'm still not sure where I stand on this... If God wants to heal me terrific! I don't know why the thought of my rod dissolving scares me so...

I was talking with a friend today and she agreed that I do as much if not more than many people and don't let my back problems limit me. She told me that I probably do more than I should at times too. As I thought about that...I think part of me wants to PROVE that I am strong regardless of the fact that I'm a woman or the fact that I have back issues. Maybe what I really need is to admit that I'm weak and that my power comes from God and that I have nothing to prove? Just thinking off the top of my head here...

Please continue praying for me that God works in my heart and mind and heals anything HE wants to in my body too. But pray most that I would accept God's answers whatever they are and whenever they come and that HE gets the glory!

Robin said...


You are a dear friend and I appreciate you so much. You've been such an encouragement to me through the years! Pray how God leads you! Thanks for being you and thanks for being my friend!

Robin said...

Papa, You are amazing and you share so much with all us "kids." Thanks for taking the time to do what you do for the Lord! God still may heal you... maybe you received a wait answer or if its a no answer you are handling it well and working for HIM despite what you would hope and pray for in healing. You are an inspiration!

Robin said...

Tammy, thanks for stopping by today. I don't post here unless I feel God has laid something on my heart. Join with me in prayer believing God for HIS will.

Darla, thank you also for stopping by I love reading your comments. They are always thought provoking. God has a plan and I'm trusting HIM in it whatever it is...

Darla said...

I know that some will say that God wants to heal everyone, I am not one of those people. I believe that he will use it for his glory, and if total healing is his plan great, and if being used by him through it is the plan great again. I am praying for your peace in whatever HE says, or does. I do know HE loves you so!!!

Robin said...


I so understand what you are saying because I have seen incredible works of God come through HIS children not being healed in the ways we would hope or expect. People have come to faith in the Lord because of watching Christians suffer and die and remain true to Jesus and continue to love.

Of course healing is preferrable to us humans, but I can understand that it may not always be God's will.

If God wants to heal me or any of you who have pains, or burdens HE can if its HIS will.

Seeing a Christian healed in heart is so powerful...

Its easy to prefer physical healing over spiritual healing because we live in our bodies every day, but when we realize that our time on earth is just a drop in the bucket we can endure what we must for God's glory. We have to have HOPE of eternity with Jesus to make it through much of this life.

I know a person who has several physical problems that have been life changing. When this person was asked if they would prefer physical wholeness or spiritual wholeness - I saw the struggle... The person knew the "right" or acceptable answer, but it wasn't what was on the heart.

Let's pray for each other, for our physical and spiritual healing so that we can become more like Jesus and love like Jesus loves and win souls for HIS kingdom.

To God be the Glory!

Anonymous said...

This was a great post. I recently read that passage in my own bible study, too.

But on another subject, in response to your question on my post today...

Jack and Claire (k-5 and 5th graders) use Math-U-See and we all love it. They just started this year after having used Saxon both in school and homeschool for YEARS. We don't like Saxon around here. :)
Courtney is in pre-algebra, and we chose Teaching Textbook for that with recommendations from our friends. It's been great, too.
Hope that helps.


Robin said...

I thought it might be Math-U-See because we use it also and always end up finishing it before other subjects. We took a couple weeks off the Math workbook and did online drills and paper drills (Gamma) and will probably finish up closer to the other subjects this year.

Robin said...


One other thing we are using the Primer for my son, but not every day. He expressed an interest in "doing" school too and he's not officially in school - he starts next fall.

Anonymous said...

Here is what I was telling you about.
Why must I suffer disappointment, sorrow, and tribulation? What have I done that God should send me trials? Is He displeased with me? These questions are constantly asked by God's dear children.
Much of this fear and questioning is due to our misunderstanding of God's dealings with His own. He has His good reasons. And one of those reasons is for our spiritual discipline. We should be far more afraid of being left alone than of God's chastening, for He wastes no time on worthless objects that give no promise of fruitfulness.
On the shores of Lake Michigan are great barren sand dunes that have never felt the point of a plow. But in the rich lowlands beyond them, the farmer is constantly cultivating the soil. The farmer knows what he is doing, so he keeps on breaking up the soil. The deeper the plow works and the more the sharp harrow, the more precious the crop will be when harvest time comes.
Gods plow goes deep, but it is only that in the end we may forget the plowing and rejoice in the blessing of bearing much fruit for Him. "No chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it" (Heb. 12:11)
When blades of distress cut deep in the soul, breaking up ground that was untouched before, the Lord is preparing soil to bear fruit fit for the harvest to feed many more.
(All sunshine and no rain make a desert.)

Anonymous said...

Hi again Robin,
Here is the scripture I read this morning I told you about us being God's sons and of course daughters.
It hit me right between the eyes.

(Hebrews 12:7-10) Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.
Hugs again,

Robin said...

Thanks Laura,

I so agree... we never know what God's plan or purpose is for our lives and the suffering we might endure. Sometimes HE decides to heal and remove the thorn, etc. and other times HE chooses to leave it there to develop something else in our character. I've heard of many people who have come to the Lord because of the death and or suffering of a Christian. They watched the life of the one afflicted and saw that they received power to meet each day beyond anything within the individual. So it's all to God be the glory. To God be the glory for a healing that is beyond human comprehension and to God be the glory for what we learn through times of testing, illness and death. Of course its difficult during the time, but that's why we have each other to intercede and love. Let's keep loving and praying. Pray for healing and pray for restoration and God will decide - to HIM be the Glory both now and forever!