Thursday, April 3, 2008

What are you THANKFUL for?

How do you feel when someone expresses thanks to you for something you have done for them? It makes me feel valued and gives me the affirmation that what I'm doing really matters. The Scripture I chose to focus on today at Memorize This is about being thankful.

I read a The Ultimate Life by Jim Stovall and he challenges his readers to start each day by making a Golden List of the things they are thankful for... Once that becomes a habit, we will notice our outlook on life will improve because we are forcing ourselves to focus on the positive. At the beginning some may be thankful for simple things like food, water and air, but as thankfulness becomes a way of life the list will probably become more meaningful.

It's always a good time to be thankful! How many things can you list this day that you are thankful for? I challenge you to list at least ten, but I bet you can list more.


Robin said...

At this moment in time, I am thankful for:

1. The Gift of Salvation (John 3:16)
2. My Family
3. The Miracle of Life
4. True friends
5. Trials that God has given me Victory Over
6. Spring Rain (because it brings the beautiful flowers)
8. My Church Family
9. The Ability to Read (thank you teachers)
10. The Privilege to Teach my Children.

Ruthie said...

Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog. I loved reading yours. My thankful list is on my blog - which I guess you saw. (I updated my blogger pix just it'll look different from the other you saw.)
I would ditto your thankful list - except that I would change #10 to the priviledge to have a positive Christian influence on our grandchildren. Blessings. Ruthie

Indian Lake Papa said...

1. Salvation
2. Mama (heh heh!)
3. Grand kids (2, close to 3)
4. Two children - they use to be #3!
5. Good health
6. Eye sight
7. Special friends
8. My church family - two of them!
9. A great son-in-law - (see #4)
10. Amos - my horse!

Robin said...

Hi Ruthie,

I like your picture! Thanks for stopping by - you had a great list on your blog too!

Welcome to the blog world!

I'm sure you will enjoy it!

Robin said...


I love your list! Its funny how the # 3, 4 switch thing happens, but I think it does in all families.

Oh and in case you didn't figure it out on my list you are included as a friend! I feel so blessed to know you.

Julie said...

Robin, can I add this blog to mine? And I think I will make a thankful list for a post here soon. It does change how you look at life when you are thankful. I mean add a link to your blog, thats what I mean. Im silly.

Robin said...

Sure Julie :) No problem...

Robin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1. Jesus
2. My Parents
3. My Siblings
4. My Home
5. Books
6. Spring - All the seasons
7. Friends
8. I recovered from my illness
9. Transportation
10. Life

Melanie said...

Goodness I could list A LOT! I love listing them really is a great reminder of how blessed I am!

Anonymous said...

I slept for 8 straight hours last night. I woke up feeling like I had all the energy in the world!!!

And I have thanked the Lord over and over and over today.

He blesses His people with rest, and I am so blessed.

Robin said...

Rebecca - I love books too!

Mel - I think it's so neat how you always mention how thankful you are for your family.

Jerri - I'm so glad you were able to sleep well last night! Rest in HIM!

Anonymous said...

Okay, you may think this is weird, but we are remodeling. It's hard work, but good. I like it hard work, maybe because I grew up on a farm. I don't know.

Because of the work I've done, I have two blisters on my hand. One is on my thumb and still a blister. The other is in the middle of my palm, and the skin has rubbed off. They hurt. Not horribly, but they hurt. My feet and legs ache horribly, too.

I'm thankful they hurt.

I know people with various ailments who have no feeling in their hands or feet. I have feeling. I hurt. My body tells me it is tired, it is injured, and it is time to rest.

Isn't that one of the most amazing blessings ever? Thank you, God, that my body is healthy and able to hurt.

Robin said...


I so get what you are saying. Muscles hurting (not quite the word I'm looking for) after working hard feels good in a strange way to me too. You know your body is doing what its designed by the creator to do...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding us all to be thankful. We all have so much to be thankful for. Hope you are having a blessed week. Here is my list:
1) That by His wounds I am healed.
Thank you Jesus!
2) To be living in a country where
I can go to church and worship
God freely.
3) My husband.
4) My children.
5) That God has always provided
our family's needs.
6) That I can be a stay at home mom
to be here when my teenage sons
walk in the front door after
7) That when three days go by and
our special needs son does not
have a seizure. (He had one in
the shower last night at 7:00)
and I am thankful that I was
right there to take care of him.
8) That my husband is in the center
of God's will right now over in
9) For a wonderful Pastor who is a
tremendous man of God.
10)For my health. (I can hear, I
can see, I can walk, I can
11)A home, food, water.
12)The laughter of my children.

Anonymous said...

I meant to put my name on the above list of 12 things, I could of kept going. It is me. Laura
Talk to you later.

Robin said...


I so appreciate you, your friendship and your godly testimony. You have amazing faith in difficult times and yet you still have a thankful spirit! Keep hanging on to Jesus! And feel free to keep listing things you are thankful for if you want :)