Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Support a Worker of the Underground Church

The Voice of the Martyrs has just received new information from our field workers about 300 pastors, evangelists and lay workers ministering in restricted nations, such as China, Nigeria and Sudan, who are in great need of support.

Many of these church leaders spend most of their day laboring to provide for their families. But they would like to dedicate much more of their time to courageously spreading the gospel and ministering to the needs of other Christians in their communities. Even at great risks, they desire to spend their days serving the Kingdom.

We invite you to prayerfully consider supporting one of these indigenous workers today. When you offer support, you are partnering with them on the mission field and sharing in building the Kingdom. A commitment of $35 a month for one year will go a long way to provide for their basic needs and help them to minister more effectively.

» Click here to learn more.

The Voice of the Martyrs' official homepage
Learn about Christians who suffer for their faith around the world, and find out how you can stand with them.

If you would like to view a list of resources on the persecuted church and online specials from VOM, please visit

This online offer is being presented by The Voice of the Martyrs. For additional information, you may contact us by
clicking here or calling our order line at 800-747-0085.

~ taken from an email received from The Voice of the Martyrs.


Momstheword said...

I appreciate your connection with VOM. I receive their magazine and read at least some of the stories at my nursing home Bible Study, at least once a month. It keeps me very humble when I think about what some people suffer in the name of Christ. It's a wonderful organization.

Indian Lake Papa said...

We have an active VOM ministry in our home church. A needed Ministry.

Robin said...

Moms and Papa - It's great to know that other churches and groups are using the resources from VOM. And yes it does humble us so much - we have it very easy here in America.