Friday, September 21, 2007

What Have Your Kids Taught You?

I was cleaning out files on an old computer this evening and came across something I wrote when my daughter, B was 2 and 3/4 years old.

This morning as B and I were walking ouside to run some errands she exclaimed, "Look at the beautiful leaves that Jesus made." Then she stopped on the steps and said, "Jesus, thank You for the leaves You made and for this beatuiful day and all my friends. Amen!" Then she opened her eyes, raised her head and kept walking down the steps.

How many times do we stop in pure joy as we are scurrying out into the world and thank Jesus for what He has made? I'm guilty of not doing this enough, but I'm so thrilled that B's spirit is soft to things of God.

Another instance around that same time frame:

The other day B's eczema flared up again and I suggested that she pray to Jesus about it. She instantly stopped what she was doing and said, "Jesus thank You for my eczema." Hmmm - Are we adults so quick to thank Jesus for the pain that comes our way?

1 comment:

Robin said...

My dear little daughter has struggled with eczema since she was a baby. In this picture if you notice her eyes appear red. She got eczema around her eyes when she was a little tyke. Fortunately now her eyes aren't effected by her eczema.

She still struggles with eczema, but this summer it was the mildest its ever been. Of course she isn't 2 anymore. The doctors hope that she will outgrow it.

The ironic thing is that I think her eczema has made her a more compassionate person. I know it sounds like a big word for someone who is only seven years old, but it truly has made her more tender to the pain of others.